
HG Literary only accepts electronic submissions. Unless another method is specified below, please send a query letter and the first five pages of your manuscript (within the email–no attachments please!) to the appropriate agent for your book. If it is a picture book, please include the entire manuscript. If you were referred to us, please mention it in the first line of your query. We generally respond to queries within 6-8 weeks, although we do get behind occasionally. You can check out our agent bios for more information on each agent’s particular interests. Please note that we do not represent screenplays, romance fiction, or religious fiction.

We’re not able to respond to each query with detailed feedback, but we do appreciate all of your efforts and wish you the best of success with your writing career!

Carrie Hannigan: Carrie is currently closed to queries.

Josh Getzler: Josh is currently closed to queries.

Victoria Well Arms:
NOTE: If no response in three months, please assume it is not for us.

Soumeya Bendimerad Roberts:

Julia Kardon:

Bri Johnson:

Jon Cobb: QueryMe.Online/Cobb

Ellen Goff: Please send your query, bio, and the first five pages of your manuscript (pasted below your query) to NOTE: Due to volume, Ellen will only respond to those queries in which she’s interested.